Fuselage February 2007 Updates
February 12, 2007
Canopy Arrives.... - 1 hrs

I got the call from ABF. Told them to meet me at the hangar and ready to unload. Then I see the end of the crate. It was split across the front. I told the driver we may have a problem as there is a big plexiglass bubble in there. So I got the camera ready and took a picture of the create before I started to uncrate.

As I got the last part of the top open and looked in a big relief. No problem. I just couldnt wait to get back to the shop at home to see if the roll bar was going to fit right. All I have heard is how bad these things fit. I set it up there on top of the fuse decks and wow what a fit. This is a big relief as I was thinking it was going to be a big drag.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.